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I’m a Mathematician who decided to learn coding, applying my background in Statistics to become a Data Scientist. I have experience in Start-ups and e-commerce, willing to crush it on the Data Science field.
🛠 Python
🛠 Data visualization
🛠 Machine Learning
🛠 Statistics & Modeling
🛠 Natural Language Processing
🚀 Is there a relation between the countries’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the LGB rights provided to their citizens? — 📂 GitHub 📝 Blog post.
Statistical Analysis if there is a correletion among these two variables.
🚀 Predicting stars on Kindle books’ Reviews. — 📂 GitHub 📝 Blog post.
Web app that suggest how many stars a customer is likely to give, based on the written review of a Kindke Book.
NPL | Dash
🚀 Twitoff (web app) — 📂 GitHub — 📺 Demo Video.
Web app that pulls the recent tweets from a user, compares them and stores them in a database.
SQLite | NPL | Flask
🚀 Spotify recommender (Collaborative project) — 📂 GitHub — 📺 Demo Video.
Build an algorithm that based on the songs of the Spotify’s public playlists of the user, recommends new unexplored ones yet.
Spotify’s API | SQLite | KNN | Python
🚀 Sauti Africa Market Monitoring (Collaborative project) — 📂 Project GitHub — 📂 Data Science Github — 📺 Demo Video.
Helped the NGO Sauti Africa to prevent peaks on the commodities prices, so if the algorithm predicts a crisis, the NGO can prepare to help people in need.
API | SQL | ARIMA | Python
🚀 NFL Simulator — 📂 GitHub
🚀 Diagnostics and surveillance COVID-19 — 📂 GitHub
🚀 K-modes Python Module (Homemade) — 📂 GitHub